Sunday, July 31, 2011

Busy Saturday

It has been a busy, and extremely hot day! First of all, I had the hardest time falling asleep last night. The last time I remember looking at the clock it was 2am, and of course Freddy had been sound asleep for hours. And as luck may have it, I woke up this morning at 6:30am on the dot, as always! 

Once I worried the crap out of Freddy until he finally got up at 7:30am, we headed to Lowe's to pick out some paint samples for our new home. Eeekkk, so exciting! We headed to "Terry Street," as Freddy calls the new house, to test out the samples. Good thing we only purchased samples because I only really liked one of the colors. Paint colors look totally different once you get them on the wall! We also moved in a lot of our kitchen much that we filled both mine & Freddy's car. Super hot! Thank goodness for my future hubbie - he brought in all of the boxes while I played around with the paint :) And yes - I will be posting before & after pictures soon...well, as soon as I learn how to post them. Hehe!

Afterwards, we headed back to our apartment in Rocky Mount to clean up & head to dinner, then to the grocery store. Our pantry was bare!

And after a long, exhausting day, the best part - we submitted our wedding planning documents to Disney for the final OK. Yay! So happy - only 2 more months :)

Tomorrow it's back to "Terry Street" for some more unpacking & organizing. It's supposed to be a little cooler, thank goodness.

Everyone - enjoy the rest of your weekend!!! :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Ugh, I have done 4 loads of laundry tonight. I don't mind at all separating the colors from the whites & whatnot. I don't mind throwing them in the washer with the detergent, then tossing them in the dryer. But geeezzz, I hate folding!!! I mean, I really hate folding laundry. Thank goodness for my wonderful Freddy, or the folding would never get done. Muah!!! :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

My first post ever :)

What an amazing weekend! Our friends Monica & Rusty came to visit from Pennsylvania. They got in Friday evening...I starved myself all day so we could go to El Tap as soon as they arrived. Yummy, yummy :) Speaking of food, we ate WAY TOO MUCH! Let's see...El Tap, twice...Sonic, twice...Pizza Hut...Zaxby's...Bojangle's. I think it's safe to say I gained about 10 lbs! 

Saturday evening we celebrated our friends Berrin & Judson at their wedding shower. Friends of Judson's family hosted the event in Wendell. It had a tropical theme...beautiful flowers, tropical food, and lots of laughs!

Sunday afternoon we headed back to Wendell to Berrin & Judson's home to welcome our friends Kati & Billy back to the good ole United States of America. They've been in Korea for a few years (Billy is a military man), but they're heading to a new post in Arizona. Thank goodness, they're back! It was so great to catch up with all my Barton/Tri Sigma ladies.

Afterwards we headed to Pikeville to see my favorite little princess, Paislee. She's so flippin' smart! I've never met a child that could do a camal or crab impression...maybe a cat or dog, but never a crab *click click* She has such a great mommy :)

It was an absolutely awesome weekend, but sadly, it came to a very quick end. It's back to work!

Yay! There you go. My first post ever! How did I do guys? :)